Tuesday, November 7, 2017

1 Year Ago Today

So I'm posting this a day late, but I'll still word it as if it was today.

1 Year Ago Today I woke up unaware of where I was. As I looked around the room I was sitting in I realized I knew this room, this room was familiar, One I'd seen many times growing up, this was a motel room. I was suddenly hit with the realization that everything from yesterday was real. We did decide to separate, I did pack up my stuff, I did move, and this was now my home. After years of wondering how long I'd have to be stuck in my marriage, how long I'd have to cry, and when I could finally break free I was finally there.
My husband at the time, his and my family all thought this was a break, time for me to heal and forgive, but that was never my plan. I spent around a month trying to get the courage and figure out how to break the hearts of all those around me, each time I tried all I could picture was them crying as if they were right in front of me. Even my own mother was against me out of a desire for my son to not be in a broken home like she and I had been in, but sometimes a broken home is the best thing that can happen for a family.
A year ago today was the day I changed my life, it's the day I started to live and not just exist, it's the day I began to find me.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....