Saturday, January 20, 2018

Love Is Timeless

It's been almost 5 months now since we've started dating. I can tell you I love him and that I can't picture my future with anyone else nor do I want to picture myself with anyone else. I would be perfectly happy to say yes if he proposed to me in one year, one month, one week, one day, or one minute from now.

     I know several people would say that we're moving too fast, however if you could feel exactly what I feel maybe you could then understand. Yes, if I look at my calendar it tells me it's been nearly 5 months, but if I feel with my heart it's as if we've been together for years. Even thinking back it seems like everything before him was another life.  I simply can't explain why, it makes no sense, but there's no denying that he and I have a connection. I can now say I know what it's like to find someone and feel like they were made for me. No one has treated me so well, no one has been as forgiving of me and my faults and flaws, no one has comforted me so much, or made me feel this much. #SorryNotSorry if the length of my relationship doesn't meet your standards. Let me take this moment to burst your bubble, numbers don't mean much in all reality. We're 6 years apart, me the elder, but even I often forget that because his maturity. It's been nearly 5 months, but I've been with others for 8 years, 2 years, 1 year, etc and I never felt the way I feel about him.

    Yes, I will admit there are several people running in and out of relationships all oh I love this person or I love that person and sure for a moment of my life I was that way, but I took some falls and learned some hard lessons, I put up some walls, lived heartlessly and then without even realizing it I fell for this amazing guy. He's was my friend first. Meeting at work, talking almost all night at work, talking about anything and everything under the... moon (we work at night lol), being open, honest and bold about everything, no judgement. He's effortlessly broke down my walls and helped me to be a better person. Not only is he good with me and for me, but he's great with my son as well and that is beyond important.
    Love has no time or age. There's no set age for falling in Love and theres no set time of being together before falling in love.

Blocked *Adults Only* (No, there's no pics or graphic details ya perv)

   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....