Monday, May 28, 2018

Tip(s) To Keep The Love Going #2

  Relationships, they're hard work even when you're with the person you're meant to be with. The sacrifices and selflessness can be exhausting.
Don't waste all your energy on someone who isn't worth it. Trust me, if you use all your energy on someone you aren't supposed to be with in the end you'll end up resenting them and eventually hating them.
Not every relationship is meant to last, some are meant to teach you lessons and to make you stronger. Once the lesson is learned leave.
Now as I said relationships are hard work so don't just give up when something goes wrong. There will be things to work on even with Mr or Mrs Right.
However if you've been with someone and you've communicated and months or, heaven forbid, years have passed and they keep doing things they shouldn't and aren't listening to you and your thoughts and feelings then it's time to leave. You've done all you can do now it's time to do something for yourself.
Leaving is scary, but living the rest of your life having the same fights and never feeling happy, constantly depressed and either overeating or under-eating is no way to live.
Your unhappiness not only hurts you it hurts your loved ones; friends, parents, and your child(ren) experience your pain too even if you don't realize it. Take my son for example he knew things weren't right in my marriage even now, 2 years later, says, "You and daddy fought" he was young but he knew. Children are better off growing up knowing that love doesn't look like that. I will admit my family was rooting for my marriage and not my happiness and it made things harder, but not impossible. One day I stopped listening to them and what they wanted and I took a look at me and my son and what we truly needed then I took the first step.
Love is not on again off again, cheating, fighting, yelling, and hitting.
Love is having an argument and taking a moment to cool off then sitting down and talking, love is cuddling up together, random kisses, lovingly and without judgement correcting the person when they're wrong (NOT standing by their side and agreeing with them when they're wrong!), love is protecting them by never purposefully doing anything to hurt them, love is NEVER lying to them even if what you have to say is going to hurt them, love is allowing them to have feelings and choices and a voice in your relationship, love is noticing the small things that they've done (even if it's a small as they've cleaned the dishes but the whole rest of the house is a mess. You still thank them for doing the dishes without a "but you could or should have done ____")...
Loving someone does not mean they are the one for you. Don't miss out on The One because you have love for this one. Had I stayed in my marriage I would have missed out on The One, a love like I've never known, understanding and compassion, a bond, a spark, a best friend, someone who wants to have those little life arguments with me, who wants me to correct him lovingly when he's wrong, someone who wants to randomly dance in the kitchen with me,...
I'd love to be able to only give advice to make every relationship last, but then you would miss out on the person you've been waiting for your whole life... Nothing is worth missing out on that...
I can give the advice, but you have to make the moves. Be bold, be strong. There's more strength trapped inside of you than you know and you'll never know if you don't take the leap. It will hurt but it will get better, I'm living proof.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....