Saturday, August 8, 2020

Lemon Peel Stitch - Crochet

It's been a hot minute since I've posted, but this should explain why.

  I recently found out that a friend will be having a baby next year; it had me thinking about baby shower gifts. I love the idea of crocheting blankets to give at baby showers, but a single or double stitch is just too plain. 

What did I do? I looked to the world wide web; it didn't fail me. I looked for a simple pattern for beginners and the first one I came across was the Lemon Peel Stitch. Being me I had to try it right away so I have spent 8 hours and 3 minutes on it, not all in one sitting, of course.

I decided I wanted to know how long it takes to do the projects that I'm doing. I wanted to have a general idea of how long it would take to finish a piece. I'm also keeping track of how much yarn I'm using and how much that yarn costs, just in case I ever decide to sell my work I'll already have an idea for the price range. 

I love how easy this pattern is. You know how I said single or double is just to plain? Well, how about single AND double? That's exactly what this is. You chain an even amount to the length you need for the project you're making, you then you start the second row and single stitch, double stitch, single stitch double stitch until you get to the end of that row start your new row as usual (chain one, flip) The goal is to put the singles above the doubles and the doubles above the singles and it gives it a cute little pattern. It's nothing major, but it looks like more effort than the only single or only double. Once you get the rhythm of it its easy and I love it way more than doing just one or the other. 

Here's how mine is looking so far: 


Here I'll show a single next to the Lemon Peel. They are different sized yarns and hooks but it gives a general idea. 

I have way too many projects going 🤦‍♀️ Help! 😂 I know I will feel so accomplished when I finish each one. 
I hope that something you do brings the same feeling of accomplishment.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....