Saturday, September 16, 2017

Soccer Mom

   My son recently started Soccer, he's super excited about it. I'm so glad he's in soccer and I hope he will not only love it and have fun, but that he'll do well and continue to be active in sports as he gets older.
   I got to watch him play today, his second game. At this age they're all still a little confused, but for kids their age they did a great job, they do not keep score.
My son has an issue staying on his feet which on occasion has helped but mainly hinders.  Not to mention he could possibly get kicked in the face by a kid who's trying to kick the ball. One day he'll learn.
   Unfortunately I missed his first game due to work, but I'll be at every game I can. Missing his first game really upset me, but I am trying to do the best I can.
   I know there are people, especially other parents, who have sat back and judged me for the way things currently are, but if they were in my shoes and had to make my choices I believe a good 80% would have done the same. I can't help that I have to work to pay bills and I can't change the mistakes of my past, but I sure as hell can work my ass off to try to make my life better than it was and so far I've done a pretty good job.
I get depressed even now about some of the stuff; things with my son, not owning my own home, needing a better car, wishing I had a better job more suited for a parent, etc. but for now I'm trying to do all that I can. I fail from time to time; like shopping when I'm depressed about something or pouting when I don't get my way, but one day I'll learn not to do that, at least not as much, but for now this is me.
Currently I'm a Soccer Mom.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....