Monday, July 27, 2020

Doctor Appointment

   I've been dealing with some health issues; after dealing with them for a while (some of them since I was a teen) I decided to make a doctor's appointment. Well, today's the day! 
    Backpain/Back spasms
    High BPM at work
    Panic attacks
    Knee pain
    Wrist give out
     Unfocused/Hard to concentrate on one thing for a long period of time
      ....I'm sure I've managed to forget something. 
     I didn't name some of the things such as my knees or wrists. I've been scared that he would say what a lot of doctors tell people; to lose more weight and drink more water, but he didn't once say that. He prescribed me some medicine for my headaches/migraines and for my back pain. I got bloodwork done and also had a spinal x-ray done. Hopefully at least one of those will give some answers to what is going on, it's frustrating hurting for "no reason" 
    I hope that no matter what it is it won't hinder me from doing my crafts. Only time will tell. All prayers, thoughts, good vibes, etc. are welcome

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....