Sunday, July 5, 2020

Land of the ... Free?

I hope you all had a great 4th, even if it was basically ruined by "covid"
The fireworks are always great and I'll always find them magical... But honestly I couldn't help but be sad while I looked at them. I kept remembering the way it used to be; the 4th and the world. I remember sitting at our National Guard in the grass, fireworks feeling so close that it was even a little scary, everything so magical, going to the different vendors before it got dark, ... 
I remember living in a world where people mostly knew right from wrong, people spanked their kids for being brats, people weren't trying to take God out of everything, people honored our historical buildings and statues, people knew only 2 genders exist, we could pray at school, we weren't being scared into wearing masks and changing our whole lives by a virus that kills less people than the common flu... the world hadn't gone flat out crazy. 
I miss the simple times that seem like they were so long ago but honestly I've only been here 30 years and that's really not that long. I want to live in a world where people have common sense, and just regular sense, where it's safe to leave your doors unlocked and your windows open without fear, a world where agendas aren't being shoved down our throats, people aren't trying to gain their rights by taking other's rights, people weren't trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens, when someone broke into your house you could shoot them without fear of them suing you and them winning!, ...
It's hard to celebrate freedom in a time like this. They took it away. I'm forced to wear a mask at work and into some businesses; for someone like me that's not ok. I overheat easily already which is increased by the mask, I'm claustrophobic which causes nausea and panic attacks, I'm always dehydrated which is increased by the mask, I have frequent headaches and since you have to breathe in the carbon dioxide that you breathe out those are increased too... Don't tell me that this company or the government enforcing this care about their people. With the logic they're currently using we would have been wearing masks all the time long ago because as I said the flu kills more people than covid. So we would be wearing masks all the time just in case someone around us had the flu. Might I also mention that if our immune system isn't able to be introduced to things it will never know how to fight them off. You're weakening your own body.
I'm just so disappointed in the way people are anymore, it just ruins the holidays. 
I hope I'll be able to raise my kids with more sense, more respect, better knowledge and understanding,... just better.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....