Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Just Because You Can Say It Doesn't Mean You Should

When I was pregnant with my son I used to get on the app BabyCenter. I loved all the information about the baby and what it was looking like and such. 
Today I decided to check it out, they give info on older children too. The app has been ruined by members which sadly still hasn't changed. 
People get on there and ask serious questions and instead of giving a loving and positive messages they attack the person as if the know that person's life, as if they're doctors or they've been there before. If anyone comments a different opinion than theirs they feel the need to comment on that too. Making it seem as if the original poster and the commenters with different opinions are just such horrible people. 
I know it's not just BabyCenter; its Facebook, Twitter and all the other forms of social media. Honestly at this point I'd love to just get rid of it all. 
When did it become ok to talk down to people, to be disrespectful when not given a reason to treat that person with disrespect, to feel that you're the only person who could ever possibly be right... Your opinion may not be the same but that gives you no right to shame the other person, to talk down to them. What happened to understanding that you have NO CLUE what goes on in someone else's life.
A reminder unless you've really been there and put up with the same things they have you'll never truly know about it. If you've not been there it's best for you to just stay silent on your opinion. An "I'm sorry you went through that", "I'm sorry you were made to feel that way", "I'm praying for you", etc would be all you would need to say and all you should say because you don't know. 
It's one thing to think about what if that happen and what you would do if it did but that's not the real thing. You could never possibly understand the hurts, the abuse, the constant inner battles, the PTSD, etc. if you've never been in that position.
I really wish people would stop assuming they know everything. 
I have opinions, this is my blog so I will post my opinion, but its just that MY opinion. We don't have to agree to be civil or to even be friends. I read/see plenty of things I don't like or that I disagree with; do I make a point to go talk down to the person and shove my opinion down their throat? No. If they directly ask me how I feel about it i will in a respectful way tell them that i disagree and then go on to the next thing. Because it's ok to not agree. I'm a Christian you're an atheist. Ok I believe different, but I won't treat you better or worse than anyone else. You like Obama I like Trump. Still ok to disagree. It's one thing to state your side/opinion when directly asked but when someone asks a question like "hey have you ever felt the need to (get a divorce, check a husband's phone, run away, etc.) " and you never have just keep scrolling. 
I'm sorry but things like this just drive me crazy and I was already in a bad mood to begin with. 
I hope you're all having a day full of love, light, laughter and absolutely no drama! 

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....