Thursday, June 1, 2017


    Last time I'd been camping I was around 10 years old.... that's been a while back. I'd been begging to go camping, but I could never talk my husband into it. I'd hear, "I've never been camping" Well guess what now's a good time to start.
   Well now that I'm separated and have the freedom to do as I please my girl friends and I planned a camping trip. We went to France Park and had a great time!
Don't ever try to say girls can't camp.. I mean, yeah, some girls can't, but we aren't those girls.
   It was so great to get away for a few days and just be outside in nature, where time has no meaning, where it was girl time all the time, campfire, relaxation, laughs, walking, etc.
   I mean sure it wasn't always perfect, but it's something we all needed. We needed to escape our realities and responsibilities for a little while. We needed to vent and drink. We needed to laugh and relax. We needed no expectations.
    I plan to buy my own camping stuff and go more often. This woman needs more camping in her life!  

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....