Monday, February 20, 2017

I Got Hit Hard

   With the things that have gone on recently, someone I love walking away and ignoring me and then some mistakes I've made recently, I've found myself deep in depression. I don't want to move, I don't want to do anything except sleep. I had to force myself out of my bed. Honestly I'd like to just curl up in a ball and sleep until the depression passes. I know that wouldn't actually help anything, but its what I'd like to do. I can't do that though I have work, bills to pay, a son that needs me, friends that need me, etc. I'm not sure where I'll find the strength to do what needs done, but I know I have to find it.
   I'm out on my balcony with my laptop in hopes that maybe the fresh air and sun will help make me feel somewhat better, but I'm not holding my breath on much anymore. I think I'm going to go get ready and take a walk. Probably a pretty long walk since I have some hours to kill and maybe I can sort some things out while I'm out there. I know exactly where I'd like to walk to, but it wouldn't matter if I did... I've done all I can do to prove how I feel and he's clearly stopped listening and caring.
    I know my post from the other day.. I am a badass. I just have to find that part of me again. Time to go get ready.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....