Friday, February 17, 2017

Well That Was Breath Taking...

    My mother would kill me for this post, which sorry, makes it all the more funny. I'm going to be flat out honest in hopefully a funny way about being gassy. The title seems hilarious now doesn't it? Lol.
    Something basically no one but family would know about me is that I can be an extremely gassy person. My mom is this never burp or fart person and always tried to raise me to be the same, which made it all the more fun to fart while she was in the room I'd just sit there and smile and giggle and she'd be all "Christine!" LOL Doesn't matter how old I remembering her reaction makes that hilarious. Now I try not to burp and fart in front of people but really sometimes you just can't help it, like last night at work, but I'll get to that story in a minute. I take after my dad who can clear a room. I swear "Silent but deadly" started being used after someone had been around me LMAO. My WASband would tell his friends that I'm more gassy than him.. so true, but really did they need to know that? No. Yet here I am telling all of you.. oh well its my gas, my blog, my story. Lol.
    So I'm at work last night/early this morning and I was seriously gassy. I just kept praying that my coworker couldn't smell anything. I mean I couldn't so I hope he couldn't either. It wasn't like I was purposefully standing there farting or anything I could not help it! I mean it's not like its a car where there's windows to roll down (TM LMAO I will never forget that. That was fucking funny. I may not have shown it, but seriously I was ROFLOL on the inside.)
    I have no problem with someone burping and farting around me.. I may be a bit surprised the first few times, but it doesn't bother me. I'm gassy and I can pretty much bet at some point I could or have already matched any stink you can let out so whatever. Now that doesn't mean I'm going to go around farting in front of you and I'm sure not going to have any contest... I mean there are no real winners in that kind of a contest. Lol.
   Anyways I was at work laughing so hard thinking about posting this. I'm sure my coworkers thought I was nuts, but who cares it was funny. Anyways you got to learn a little TMI about me LOL
"It's better out than in.."

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....