Saturday, February 18, 2017

She's A Badass

   Depression... I mean seriously no matter how many times you think you've beat her you turn around and there she is again. Knock her down and she pops right back up like one of those punching dummies. It's no wonder so many people give up and end life because they just keep fighting the same battle over and over. Fighting depression is exhausting! I've been fighting it basically all of my life so trust me I know.
     Let me point something out though. I'm still here and still standing after dealing with my personal depression and demons, which means I'm pretty badass too. If you're reading this and you fight depression that means you are too. 
     Give yourself some credit. The fight is tough and you'll want to give up some days, but don't, we can make it through this. Wake up and remind yourself that you're a badass. If you don't believe it remind yourself of all you've been through and how you're still here because that should prove it to you.  

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....