Tuesday, February 14, 2017

My Marriage

    Now I could get on here and air all the dirty laundry, but I'm not going to do that. I will fill you in on a bit of it though.
    Let's start with the first time I saw Miles. I was 16 years old and my mom and I went with friends to visit their church. I went to the youth room and the speaker that night, wouldn't you know, was him. I never did meet him that night, but since I listen and watch the person talking he did focus on me a lot as he spoke.
     2 years later, March 10th, on my 18th birthday my mom and I started attending that church. I'm not sure how long we'd been going there before I was officially introduced to him, but eventually we were introduced. It wasn't any big deal I was introduced to like 10 youth people that night.
    One night I chose to ride with my parents to church instead of driving myself and, of course, all the youth decide to go out to eat. I wanted to go and Miles offered me a ride. Now I didn't want to take the ride because for 1. I lived 30 minutes away and I didn't want him having to go so far out of his way and 2. I didn't know him. I'm an introvert things like that make me so nervous and uncomfortable. I ended up riding with him to Pizza Hut where all the youth was and he took me home after. I remember I went into my parent's room to let them know I was home, which was something I always had to do when I went out, and my mom said something like, "Wouldn't it be funny if you two end up together." Honestly up until that point it hadn't even crossed my mind. Way to go, Mom. I'd been crushing on my friend's brother so I wasn't looking at anyone else. After Mom said that I did give it some thought.. I was still crushing on the brother though. Lol.
     At some point I'd decided I liked him enough to want to be a couple and he wasn't up for dating in the summer time because so often people get together in the summer and it's just a summer fling then it's over. So he made me wait. August 10th, 2008 we became a couple. He asked me standing outside Pizza Hut by our vehicles. I'll skip some details, but we made some mistakes as 2 church going young adults... mistakes I felt the need to correct.
    April 24th, 2009 he proposed. After he'd made me get my G.E.D. that is. I'm quite thankful he made me do that now. I always hated school. Lol.
    October 3rd, 2009 we got married. Our marriage was difficult right from the beginning. Honestly I regretted my decision right away. However divorce just isn't something you do in that religion.
    About 1 1/2 years into the marriage I decided I wanted a baby. I hadn't wanted one before that. We'd actually almost broken up when we were dating because I didn't want kids. He wanted to wait until we'd been married at least 2 years so December 2011 we started trying. January 17th, 2012 I found out I was pregnant. We had some more complications during that time in our marriage and I remember crying a ton. I had to remind myself that all the stress and crying was not good for my baby. If I'm to be honest this is when my marriage ended for me. Only my mom and I knew this. She made me stay. For her and my unborn baby's sake I stayed.
    September 27th, 2012 at 9:37 p.m. I gave birth to a beautiful, loud, 8 lb 12 oz, 20 3/4 in long "little" boy and we named him Seth Paul. Paul being Miles' dad's name. (Had we had a girl her name was going to be Leilani McKenzie. McKenzie being my mom's maiden name.)
    I'll do lost of skipping, but our marriage had more ups and downs and slowly but surely got worse and worse.
    November 4th or 5th, 2016 Miles and I separated. All of my family and Miles thought that we were separating with hopes of us getting back together, but I'd already made plans a month or two before that to get a divorce.
     Matter a fact the guy I fell for was a part of one of the conversations I'd had a month or so before the separation about leaving Miles. No, I didn't like this guy at this point. To me he was just one of my friend's brothers. I had once thought it'd be cool to end up with one of her brothers though.. you know so she'd be actual family then lol. Who knew I'd actually fall for one of them lol.
     So Miles and I have been trying to agree on some details that have to do with our son. You know agreeing makes the divorce cheaper and faster so why not be adults about it and take the time to figure it out. Well I just got the best news! We've finally agreed on the last detail. Which means I'll finally be able to file for our divorce after one last little legal paper!!! Omw I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!! It's been 3 months of waiting to file! Should be just a week or two more now.... That's such a relief.
     I guess that's all you need to know about my marriage.

Thanks for reading! 

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....