Wednesday, February 15, 2017

My Job

    As I said before I work for a factory. The company makes cakes and cupcakes.
    What do I do? Well they like to rotate us and put us in different areas. Mostly I've been put as a packer. Every other weekend my shift helps with sanitation's deep cleaning. There are also other jobs, but so far these are the only two I've done.
     I love packing, it keeps my body moving. However my brain gets a bit bored. You'll often see me singing. I say see because it's so loud in there that you can barely hear a person talking loudly when they're standing right next to you. I think a lot while I'm there and it's typically some pretty deep thoughts. My blog could be full of epic deep thoughts if only I could remember what my thoughts were. It's not like I can hurry up and write them down or tape record them. Lol.
    Deep cleaning is so not my thing! It was boring. Here let me work in the same area, on the same spot for HOURS! Ok, packing is in the same area and doing the same thing over and over, but it's not like I keep packing the same package, it's hundreds of different packages of the same item. Deep cleaning was scrubbing the line, sweep the floor, mop the floor, squeegee the floor, remove and clean this, remove and clean that,.... Someone please just hand me a power washer!
     For the most part I love my job. I love to pack. I especially love when Kali and I are on the line together. We work well together and we have fun. I love that I get to carpool with Ashley and see her throughout the day.
   Speaking of work I have to get off here and get ready to pick up Ashley! It's her birthday!! Whoop whoop! Lol.

Have a great day!   

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....