Monday, February 20, 2017

Stop Giving Excuses, Stop Going Back

    There comes a point even if you love someone that you have to let them go. I've heard all the excuses in the world and I've even given some of them myself. "I'm staying for my kids", "I'm staying for my family", "I really do love them", etc. BUT YOU'RE MISERABLE! If they make you that miserable get away from them, stop going back to them!
   Parents that stay together just for the kids think they're doing the right thing, but guess what if you're miserable your kids feel that and it will make them miserable, which will fuck up your kids. One day when they're old enough they'll ask you why you stayed if you were so miserable and if you say it was for them then they'll feel like they're to blame for your misery, which fucks up your kid.
   Parents that go back and forth between together and not together that confuses your kid, which fucks your kid up. Don't do that! If you love them, but can't stand them you either learn to love them past all the shit you can't stand or stay the fuck away from them!
   Stop going back!

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....