Friday, February 24, 2017

Life & Love

   Life is full of ups and downs with new surprises around every corner. Every time I think my life has settled something changes.

For every loneliness there's a love
For every love there's a heartache
For every heartache a chance at a new beginning
And for every chance at a new beginning a chance at something better.

I was scared of being alone then I fell in love
I fell in love and then my heart was ripped from my chest
My heart was ripped from my chest and I was forced to try to move on
I was forced to try to move on and though it hasn't happened yet I know there will be something and someone better.

    I didn't ask to move on I was forced. Can I say I've fully moved on? No, no I can't. However with every passing day I'm working on me, on my life, on bettering myself. I'm spending time with friends and finding people to fill the void you left. I'm may not be in love with my friends, but I'm not alone and for a while I'm comfortable and happy.
   In your absence I found out who my true friends were because in your absence I found out which people were lying, spreading rumors and turning my words into some psychotic version of the truth. I didn't lie to you in case someone told you that I did. I have no reason to lie to you or anyone else. Lies just complicate things and I hate complications.
   When you thought I was flipping out I wasn't. Now did I ever get upset? Yes! And with damn good right!
   You've called me immature, but what you're calling me immature for is for having an opinion, telling you how I felt about you and other things, telling you what I want and for standing for what I believe in. That my darling is not immaturity; that is truth, honesty, openness. Wanting a relationship with you and getting upset because you don't want that isn't immature. It's called having feelings, you should try it.
   Will I eventually be fully moved on? Yes. However my moving on doesn't mean I don't care about that person. Recent events have proven to me that I can get over someone and years later given the chance those feelings can be brought back and I wasn't even in love with that person so I can only imagine how much easier it would be for someone I was in love with.
   I think sometimes we meet the right people, but just at the wrong time. We meet someone and it's epic and things go great for a while, but then they fall apart so you drift away. I think that's life's way of saying you aren't ready for each other yet. There's things you have to  need to do first to be fully ready for that person.
   I, who has never "lived" in the ways of everyone else, am finally going out and experiencing the things everyone else my age already has. I've made some good decisions and I've made some bad ones. I've tried some things I never thought I would, been places I never thought I'd go, and done things I never thought I'd do. However I can tell you I've gone about it with maturity and not like some stupid Girls Gone Wild.
Take alcohol for example; yes, I've drank, but I'm not going out like most people and wasting all my hard earned money on it, I'm not going overboard and waking up the next morning with hangovers and/or not knowing what I'd done the night before, I'm not trying to drown my sorrows in it... and trust me I've had some sorrows I'd like to drown.
Now there are some things that are out there that all of you may have tried that I never will. For example drugs. No, no way. No, thank you. Not happening. I have to force myself to take medicine for a headache and normally I'll have to have the headache for days before I take anything.
    Life will continue to have ups and downs. I will take it one day, one moment at a time. Some days I will take it better than others; some days I will cry, some days it won't phase me, and others I'll flip my switch so that I don't have to care... funny enough that is an option once you get to a certain point. I know because I recently flipped it.

So here's to life and love and whatever is coming next, may it be beautiful!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Stop Giving Excuses, Stop Going Back

    There comes a point even if you love someone that you have to let them go. I've heard all the excuses in the world and I've even given some of them myself. "I'm staying for my kids", "I'm staying for my family", "I really do love them", etc. BUT YOU'RE MISERABLE! If they make you that miserable get away from them, stop going back to them!
   Parents that stay together just for the kids think they're doing the right thing, but guess what if you're miserable your kids feel that and it will make them miserable, which will fuck up your kids. One day when they're old enough they'll ask you why you stayed if you were so miserable and if you say it was for them then they'll feel like they're to blame for your misery, which fucks up your kid.
   Parents that go back and forth between together and not together that confuses your kid, which fucks your kid up. Don't do that! If you love them, but can't stand them you either learn to love them past all the shit you can't stand or stay the fuck away from them!
   Stop going back!

Glover's Cookies 'N Cream

   Let me tell you about Glover's Cookies 'N Cream ice cream. To me it's the best ice cream in the world. Naturally flavored ice cream with soft chunks of dark chocolate cookie; it's like dessert heaven in a box. See when I was a kid my dad worked at Glover's as a delivery guy and some days he would bring me home a half gallon of Glover's Cookies 'N Cream. It always made me happy and excited when I saw him bring it in.
   So today, on one of my worst depressed days I've had in a while, I decided I should indulge in my favorite ice cream. No bowl necessary just the half gallon and a spoon.
   Has it made me feel better? No, not really. However it has reminded me of a good memory so in some way I guess it's doing it's job.
   Just throwing this out there.. it's 3pm and this is the first thing I've ate. I probably should eat some real food...

I REALLY hope your day is going better than mine because I wouldn't wish this depression on even my worst enemy...

I Got Hit Hard

   With the things that have gone on recently, someone I love walking away and ignoring me and then some mistakes I've made recently, I've found myself deep in depression. I don't want to move, I don't want to do anything except sleep. I had to force myself out of my bed. Honestly I'd like to just curl up in a ball and sleep until the depression passes. I know that wouldn't actually help anything, but its what I'd like to do. I can't do that though I have work, bills to pay, a son that needs me, friends that need me, etc. I'm not sure where I'll find the strength to do what needs done, but I know I have to find it.
   I'm out on my balcony with my laptop in hopes that maybe the fresh air and sun will help make me feel somewhat better, but I'm not holding my breath on much anymore. I think I'm going to go get ready and take a walk. Probably a pretty long walk since I have some hours to kill and maybe I can sort some things out while I'm out there. I know exactly where I'd like to walk to, but it wouldn't matter if I did... I've done all I can do to prove how I feel and he's clearly stopped listening and caring.
    I know my post from the other day.. I am a badass. I just have to find that part of me again. Time to go get ready.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Honesty: What You See Is What You Get

   I'm an honest person. I don't see the point in lying. If you lie you have to then remember what you said, but if you just tell the truth all you have to do is remember what happened. If your truth isn't something you want others knowing maybe you should be living your life better.
   Now I'm not judging because I've done some things that I regret and wouldn't want anyone to know. Who am I to judge you when I have my own faults, mine are just different.
  However I have some people who have been telling others not to believe me, that I lie and love drama, etc. None of that is true. I try to stay away from drama, which is just another reason why I don't lie. I can tell you I have proof of things this person has done, stuff they wouldn't want me or anyone else knowing however despite what they've said and done I'm still calling them my friend. Do I agree with what they've done? No. But I don't agree with everything I've done either. Has knowing some of this stuff made it harder to be close to them? Yes.
    Have I ever lied? Of course, everyone has. As an adult my lies haven't been intentional. My memory sucks and I often confuse things so yeah I've said the wrong things before. Now as a kid I did like other kids and I lied to keep from getting in trouble.
   I am very much "What you see is what you get" I've got no reason to lie. You want my opinion on your outfit. I'll give it to you. But don't ask me "Does this make my butt look huge?" if you aren't willing to hear the honest answer.

Honesty really is the best policy

Saturday, February 18, 2017

She's A Badass

   Depression... I mean seriously no matter how many times you think you've beat her you turn around and there she is again. Knock her down and she pops right back up like one of those punching dummies. It's no wonder so many people give up and end life because they just keep fighting the same battle over and over. Fighting depression is exhausting! I've been fighting it basically all of my life so trust me I know.
     Let me point something out though. I'm still here and still standing after dealing with my personal depression and demons, which means I'm pretty badass too. If you're reading this and you fight depression that means you are too. 
     Give yourself some credit. The fight is tough and you'll want to give up some days, but don't, we can make it through this. Wake up and remind yourself that you're a badass. If you don't believe it remind yourself of all you've been through and how you're still here because that should prove it to you.  

Something Bad For Something Good

    I'm learning that sometimes things, even bad things, can happen to help you get through a situation.  Take me for example my heart was broken and something completely unexpected and not necessarily good happened and though my heart is still broken, I still know I'm in love, though there are things that I miss about him, .. I'm finding it easier to.. let go. I didn't want to let go, I didn't know how to let go, I don't like that I have to let go, but this is helping me to be able to. 
    All I can say is he messed up because it will continue to get easier to let go and one day I'll be gone. If it takes him that long to decide he wants to be with me it will be to late. 
    Up until today I was saying "I don't want to love anyone again", "If it isn't him I don't want it", etc., but today I decided I do want to love someone. I want to be loved by someone the way I deserve to be loved. If it's him that's fine, but if it's not at least I loved again. 
   "We accept the love we think we deserve" - Stephen Chbosky 
The way he treated me at first was wonderful and definitely how I felt I deserved to be treated, but HE changed, which in turn changed me.  

   I urge you to accept a love that you feel is greater than you deserve... often we deserve more than we give ourselves credit for.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Well That Was Breath Taking...

    My mother would kill me for this post, which sorry, makes it all the more funny. I'm going to be flat out honest in hopefully a funny way about being gassy. The title seems hilarious now doesn't it? Lol.
    Something basically no one but family would know about me is that I can be an extremely gassy person. My mom is this never burp or fart person and always tried to raise me to be the same, which made it all the more fun to fart while she was in the room I'd just sit there and smile and giggle and she'd be all "Christine!" LOL Doesn't matter how old I remembering her reaction makes that hilarious. Now I try not to burp and fart in front of people but really sometimes you just can't help it, like last night at work, but I'll get to that story in a minute. I take after my dad who can clear a room. I swear "Silent but deadly" started being used after someone had been around me LMAO. My WASband would tell his friends that I'm more gassy than him.. so true, but really did they need to know that? No. Yet here I am telling all of you.. oh well its my gas, my blog, my story. Lol.
    So I'm at work last night/early this morning and I was seriously gassy. I just kept praying that my coworker couldn't smell anything. I mean I couldn't so I hope he couldn't either. It wasn't like I was purposefully standing there farting or anything I could not help it! I mean it's not like its a car where there's windows to roll down (TM LMAO I will never forget that. That was fucking funny. I may not have shown it, but seriously I was ROFLOL on the inside.)
    I have no problem with someone burping and farting around me.. I may be a bit surprised the first few times, but it doesn't bother me. I'm gassy and I can pretty much bet at some point I could or have already matched any stink you can let out so whatever. Now that doesn't mean I'm going to go around farting in front of you and I'm sure not going to have any contest... I mean there are no real winners in that kind of a contest. Lol.
   Anyways I was at work laughing so hard thinking about posting this. I'm sure my coworkers thought I was nuts, but who cares it was funny. Anyways you got to learn a little TMI about me LOL
"It's better out than in.."

I saw him today...

     Seeing him, with things the way they are, never gets easier. It's watching my heart walk away from me or in the case of today seeing my heart standing outside and having to just driving past it. Every time it feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest. I'm never prepared to see him and when I do, as much as I try not to, I can't help but cry. I miss him so damn much.
    I don't even know what it is about him. I mean I've seriously been trying to figure out why him? What is it about him that my heart was all, "Yes, that one! He's special lets pick him!" Not to be rude or mean, but lets take a minute to be honest. He's cute, but he's not some drop dead gorgeous guy. He can be REALLY sweet, but he's also a total asshole. He listens, but most of the time he hears something completely different than what I'm actually saying (He takes it the wrong way). .. I mean really why him? He's cute, funny, sweet, love his smile,... I find him beautiful in all his brokenness..., he makes me feel safe, I felt like I could trust him (..not so much anymore), he makes me feel beautiful, etc.    
     You know for every positive I could find a negative if I wanted to, but I don't want to. I know he isn't perfect and I'm ok with that. I know he has a dark side, but so do I and I'm ok with that. I know he bottles things up and then explodes, but I'm ok with that because I'll take someone flipping out and yelling at me over ignoring me any day. I can forgive someone who's just had enough and loses it, but to ignore me and make me feel like I'm nothing.. like I never was anything after telling me you were falling for me... Damn that's a pain that I'm just not able to shake. Like how on earth do you move past that?
    I'm somewhere between always hoping to see him and being terrified of seeing him because I know I'll want to cry every time....

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

My Job

    As I said before I work for a factory. The company makes cakes and cupcakes.
    What do I do? Well they like to rotate us and put us in different areas. Mostly I've been put as a packer. Every other weekend my shift helps with sanitation's deep cleaning. There are also other jobs, but so far these are the only two I've done.
     I love packing, it keeps my body moving. However my brain gets a bit bored. You'll often see me singing. I say see because it's so loud in there that you can barely hear a person talking loudly when they're standing right next to you. I think a lot while I'm there and it's typically some pretty deep thoughts. My blog could be full of epic deep thoughts if only I could remember what my thoughts were. It's not like I can hurry up and write them down or tape record them. Lol.
    Deep cleaning is so not my thing! It was boring. Here let me work in the same area, on the same spot for HOURS! Ok, packing is in the same area and doing the same thing over and over, but it's not like I keep packing the same package, it's hundreds of different packages of the same item. Deep cleaning was scrubbing the line, sweep the floor, mop the floor, squeegee the floor, remove and clean this, remove and clean that,.... Someone please just hand me a power washer!
     For the most part I love my job. I love to pack. I especially love when Kali and I are on the line together. We work well together and we have fun. I love that I get to carpool with Ashley and see her throughout the day.
   Speaking of work I have to get off here and get ready to pick up Ashley! It's her birthday!! Whoop whoop! Lol.

Have a great day!   

My Loves

    When speaking of my friends I will often call them my Loves. I started that after all the stuff with my Wasband (soon to be ex husband) and The Guy (TM) and my life just falling apart.
    My friends were there for me in such a powerful way. My friends have been my rock, my shield, my shoulder to cry on, they loved me when I didn't love myself, they taught me to love myself, they've kept my head above water. I can't say enough about my friends and the love that they've shown me. I've crashed at their places, vented to them, cried in front of them, ... They've been there in ways I'd never experienced a friend being before.
    90% of these friends I've only known for the past year, but they have proven to be extraordinary. I'm planning a tattoo in their honor.
      I am very blessed to have the friends I have. I hope they all know how much I love them. When they need me I hope I can be there for them like they've been here for me. Love you, Loves!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Guy

    I know you've been waiting for this post. I won't give out his name, we'll just go with his first and last initials, TM.
    So I met TM at my old job. I worked at a gas station with his sister. I met him when he came in one day. I started working at the station November 3rd, 2015 so I've known of him for around a year. To be honest I don't even remember meeting him.
      As the time has gone on I've slowly started remembering conversations he and I had C02, him helping me fill the ice, etc. I remember he used to almost always come through the drive-thru window and I had eventually memorized his order, 32 mountain dew, long straw, and a pack of Pall Mall Red 100's. I remember he almost always went to Pump 2 for gas.
       Since I was in a miserable marriage at the time my brain was in no position for he and I to have had some memorable meeting.
       I remember he came in one day and I said "Hi T." and he was surprised I knew his name, but then he remembered his shirt had his name on it so he thought that's why I knew his name. No, I knew his name because he was my friend's brother. I did always want to call him and his brother by the opposite names though lol. That was one of the first days I knew I had the names right.
     When I'd decided I was leaving my husband he was there for a conversation I was having with coworkers and they all said they'd help me, including him. I walked into a back room and cried after that conversation because they were so willing to help me. It was sweet.
      My husband and I separated.
       Thanksgiving day I was working and TM came in, got his stuff, paid and stood there to talk to us like normal, but this time I noticed something. Another customer had come up so he moved over to give room and out of the corner of my eye I noticed he was staring at me. After TM left I asked the guy I was working with if there was a possibility that TM had a crush on me and he said I don't know, but not to worry about it because TM was harmless.
       A couple of my friends were very, very pushy about TM and I hanging out. One of them was saying just as friends, but the other was thinking as more.  I was terrified because I wasn't interested in a relationship and I figured TM was. I had his number, but because of that fear I didn't text him even though he would leave and say "text me" lol.
      I'm not sure what exactly happened that made me do this, but one day he left and didn't say bye so I text him and said, "Well bye to you too" He responded "I'm sorry I just kind of got to talking and I have to go to Lebanon to work over there tonight." separate text "But hey I got you to text me" ... I just remembered what happened that made me want to text him... my friend told me earlier that day about a conversation they had when he had been at her house and he asked her if it was bad that he thought I was beautiful. I asked her if he really used the word beautiful and she said yes. That started it all. Most guys called me hot or sexy but that's not a real compliment in my eyes. So what you want to have sex with me big deal I've heard that a lot, but he said beautiful.
(I'll just pause for a moment to let you know typing this, remembering it all is hurting a lot. I'm no joke crying. I melt at the thought of him calling me beautiful... the fact that I love him this much and he'll probably never be mine is absolutely heartbreaking...)
You may ask how I knew word for word what those text had said... that's because I have screenshots of some of our texts. The earlier texts that is. So yeah that was the start.
     So his sister invited me to their thanksgiving, which was at her house. I was so nervous about going and I didn't know where she lived so his sister and our friends kind of forced me into telling TM he was taking me. I still remember he looked at one of our friends and said "You don't have to pull my arm" as he held his arm out to him lol. He had a big smile on his face... I love his smile (... My God, this is torture) Seeing him smile is nothing short of amazing. Anyways, I'd text him more and I told him it was a little weird that the first time we were going to hang out outside of the station was at a family event. Not to mention his ex would be there and she knew I was coming with him and I wasn't sure how she'd react. He told me he'd protect me. (If there's one thing I've learned about him he's a protector. I have never felt that feeling of being safe with anyone but him.)
    The night of their thanksgiving we stop at the station to get something to drink. Our friend had a big smile on his face seeing us come into the station together. We left the station and headed to his sister's. We all ate, talked, and then played Cards Against Humanity. Where they all enjoyed hearing me say words they'd never heard me say before because you have to read the cards and they had some "dirty" words. It was fun.
Before we'd played the game someone had upset him and I could tell and him being upset, upset me so I gathered up the courage and went and sat next to him on the couch. He'd later text me and told me he was happy that I came over next to him because he was really upset and he felt like I actually cared. (I did.. I do. Even after everything someone hurting him, upsetting him,... that pisses me off.)  (I was sitting very close to him on that couch.. I wanted so bad to link arms but I didn't..) Anyways after the card game he took me home. That was December 3rd.
      December 4th we'd been texting and at 7:41 p.m. he told me he really liked me and at 7:49 he text "Wanna go for a ride" So he picked me up from my place with hot chocolate and he drove us to the park where all the Christmas lights were up and we parked and talked for hours. I got a bit of a shoulder massage after he'd mentioned he was good at massages. I'd been sore. We were out late and I was exhausted at work the next day, but it was so worth it.
    December 5th my Wasband (soon to be ex husband) had really upset me so I went to a friend's house and he came there quite literally as fast as he could. He'd been at work and then sped over after work to make sure I was ok. He'd told a lady he'd work on her car that night so I went with him and I got to watch and learn a thing or two. (I like watching people work on cars. So to me that was fun.) I sat outside while he went in to talk to her and collect payment and he said she started digging through change... I guess that made him cry. (TM has a heart of gold. He's always helping someone. Fixing things for much cheaper than he should or for free. Just another thing to love about him.) After that I went with him to look at the van of the friend whose house I'd went to. Then we went back to her place and he asked me if I wanted to go get something to eat and I said "Sure" which was not an acceptable answer because he said "It's either yes or no" He threatened to throw me into a tree and picked me up when I said he wouldn't. Normally I hate to be picked up I don't trust people, but I loved it. Well we went to Wendy's and sat outside in the car and talked. Once again he was trying to get me to do the talking.. never could come up with conversation topics. (Honestly I didn't care what we talked about so long as I was with him. I'm addicted to the way he makes me feel. The feeling safe, the way I trusted him, the way he made me feel beautiful,....After him I suddenly didn't feel the need to be perfectly put together before I went somewhere because to him I was beautiful and he made me feel beautiful and that's all that mattered.) After we ate.. he ended up finishing my food lol.. he took me back to get my car where we sat and talked some more. I did link arms with him that night. Also he asked me to scratch his back so I did. I eventually got in my car and we went our separate ways.
     December 6th I sent him a text and told him it was weird not seeing him because I'd seen him 3 days in a row. I guess he'd thought about seeing me, but he didn't want to bother me. So I didn't get to see him that day, but we did text.
     December 7th We hung out at the laundromat while he washed his clothes. After that he drove to my place. We sat in the car for a little while and I decided to hold his hand. I wanted to drag out the time with him so I asked him to come into my place so he did and we watched Hunger Games and talked. He mentioned there was something he'd wanted to do, but he didn't want to do anything stupid and I kept asking what.. ok lets be honest I knew what it was.. See when he and I first started talking I was terrified to even look in his direction out of fear that he might try to kiss me, but I wasn't scared anymore I wanted him to so I sat Indian style facing him hoping that might help him some. He'd been hiding (adorably!) behind me. I did finally get my kiss that night. I wanted so bad to update my Facebook post to "Speechless" but the last thing I needed was people's questions. (I can honestly say I don't want to kiss anyone else. I would gladly kiss him for the rest of my life and never need another person. I don't think I'm going to get that opportunity, but that doesn't make it any less true.)
       There's more moments, but I'm not going to keep going through them all.
       It was such a short amount of time that we spent together maybe a month (it felt like so much longer), but I fell for him. Head over heels IN love with him. I've never felt this in love with someone, I've never felt the way he makes me feel, I've never fell this fast for someone,... However when it comes to love I do believe that time is irrelevant.. I would have never said that before, but now I know better.
      I don't know 100% why he pulled away from me because I know he was falling for me too. He had said so. All I know for sure is that it hurts and I'm broken. I don't see how you can be falling for someone and then just ignore them. He's been a real asshole... however if he wanted to be with me and could prove it.. be with me in real, committed relationship with real titles.. even after everything I've been through with him, all the tears I've cried, the massive depression his leaving caused, etc. I'd say yes to being in a relationship with him in a heartbeat. I'd treat him like a King and his daughter like a Princess because loving him makes her the most important little girl in the world. And if one day we got married I'd gladly have a little princess or prince with him.  
     I doubt I'll ever get the chance, I won't hold my breath, I'll build my walls that he fought so hard to get down back up, and one day I might move on. At this point though I doubt it. If it's not him I don't want it. And I especially don't want to feel this pain ever again.
    For now I'll focus on me and mine and maybe one day he'll choose me, but that can't be my focus.

Thanks for listening to my sob story...

My Marriage

    Now I could get on here and air all the dirty laundry, but I'm not going to do that. I will fill you in on a bit of it though.
    Let's start with the first time I saw Miles. I was 16 years old and my mom and I went with friends to visit their church. I went to the youth room and the speaker that night, wouldn't you know, was him. I never did meet him that night, but since I listen and watch the person talking he did focus on me a lot as he spoke.
     2 years later, March 10th, on my 18th birthday my mom and I started attending that church. I'm not sure how long we'd been going there before I was officially introduced to him, but eventually we were introduced. It wasn't any big deal I was introduced to like 10 youth people that night.
    One night I chose to ride with my parents to church instead of driving myself and, of course, all the youth decide to go out to eat. I wanted to go and Miles offered me a ride. Now I didn't want to take the ride because for 1. I lived 30 minutes away and I didn't want him having to go so far out of his way and 2. I didn't know him. I'm an introvert things like that make me so nervous and uncomfortable. I ended up riding with him to Pizza Hut where all the youth was and he took me home after. I remember I went into my parent's room to let them know I was home, which was something I always had to do when I went out, and my mom said something like, "Wouldn't it be funny if you two end up together." Honestly up until that point it hadn't even crossed my mind. Way to go, Mom. I'd been crushing on my friend's brother so I wasn't looking at anyone else. After Mom said that I did give it some thought.. I was still crushing on the brother though. Lol.
     At some point I'd decided I liked him enough to want to be a couple and he wasn't up for dating in the summer time because so often people get together in the summer and it's just a summer fling then it's over. So he made me wait. August 10th, 2008 we became a couple. He asked me standing outside Pizza Hut by our vehicles. I'll skip some details, but we made some mistakes as 2 church going young adults... mistakes I felt the need to correct.
    April 24th, 2009 he proposed. After he'd made me get my G.E.D. that is. I'm quite thankful he made me do that now. I always hated school. Lol.
    October 3rd, 2009 we got married. Our marriage was difficult right from the beginning. Honestly I regretted my decision right away. However divorce just isn't something you do in that religion.
    About 1 1/2 years into the marriage I decided I wanted a baby. I hadn't wanted one before that. We'd actually almost broken up when we were dating because I didn't want kids. He wanted to wait until we'd been married at least 2 years so December 2011 we started trying. January 17th, 2012 I found out I was pregnant. We had some more complications during that time in our marriage and I remember crying a ton. I had to remind myself that all the stress and crying was not good for my baby. If I'm to be honest this is when my marriage ended for me. Only my mom and I knew this. She made me stay. For her and my unborn baby's sake I stayed.
    September 27th, 2012 at 9:37 p.m. I gave birth to a beautiful, loud, 8 lb 12 oz, 20 3/4 in long "little" boy and we named him Seth Paul. Paul being Miles' dad's name. (Had we had a girl her name was going to be Leilani McKenzie. McKenzie being my mom's maiden name.)
    I'll do lost of skipping, but our marriage had more ups and downs and slowly but surely got worse and worse.
    November 4th or 5th, 2016 Miles and I separated. All of my family and Miles thought that we were separating with hopes of us getting back together, but I'd already made plans a month or two before that to get a divorce.
     Matter a fact the guy I fell for was a part of one of the conversations I'd had a month or so before the separation about leaving Miles. No, I didn't like this guy at this point. To me he was just one of my friend's brothers. I had once thought it'd be cool to end up with one of her brothers though.. you know so she'd be actual family then lol. Who knew I'd actually fall for one of them lol.
     So Miles and I have been trying to agree on some details that have to do with our son. You know agreeing makes the divorce cheaper and faster so why not be adults about it and take the time to figure it out. Well I just got the best news! We've finally agreed on the last detail. Which means I'll finally be able to file for our divorce after one last little legal paper!!! Omw I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!! It's been 3 months of waiting to file! Should be just a week or two more now.... That's such a relief.
     I guess that's all you need to know about my marriage.

Thanks for reading! 

About Me

     Hello and welcome! My name is Christine. I'm going to take some time and tell you about me.
     My nickname is Critter, I've had that nickname since birth. The reason is I was born with a head full of hair and my mom was petting my hair and saying it was like a baby kitten, bunny, etc. and she said well you're nothing but a critter and so I'm Critter. I had 1 year around the age of 16 that I completely hated it, but I don't anymore. I'm Critter.
     Speaking of me and my birth... I'll be 27 on March 10th. I have no plans other than to work. Welcome to adulthood. Lol.
      I'm technically married. We're separated and trying to work out and agree on a few details before I go file for our divorce. This process has been taking forever. We've been separated since November 4th (or 5th?), 2016. He's taking his sweet time deciding. Why do I need him to agree with me? Well I don't want to waste a ton of money on an attorney if I don't have to. Now I'll fight him tooth and nail if it comes down to it, but if I don't have to then I won't. Fighting won't be good for either of us and especially not on our son.
     Yeah, that's right I'm a mom. He's an absolutely beautiful 4 year old little (not so little) boy. His name is Seth.
      I recently made a ton of changes, like a TON of changes. Newest of the changes is my new place and my new job. I'm working at a factory where they make cakes and cupcakes. It's the most money I've ever made and for a factory job it's super easy.
      I'm completely and stupidly in love with a guy that will probably never be mine. I'll have to tell that story later. Feel free to smack me when you get done reading it because seriously after all of it I still love him and I'd still be with him, but you'll understand all that later.
     The rest you'll find out about me over time.

Thanks for stopping by!

Blocked *Adults Only* (No, there's no pics or graphic details ya perv)

   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....