Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Broken-Hearted Girl

   I didn't think he could be this way. I didn't think he could be so heartless and lie so damn much. I didn't think he could just drop people like they're nothing after he thanked me for sticking around because so many people didn't stick around for him.

   I'd love to forget him because he hurt me and caused me many tears. What he's put me through makes me wish I didn't love him, but I do. How do you talk about having a relationship with someone and needing a bigger place to fit all of us and then do this?

   I most certainly don't want to be this broken-hearted person!

   Funny thing about depression and turning cold after you've dealt with them before you can feel them creeping up. You know they're coming and you know it's just a matter of time before they overwhelm you completely. Which is why I need this upcoming change.

   As someone who supposedly deals with depression and after having been told that I do too how do you do something like this knowing how much I wanted to be with you?

   Damn I know misery loves company, but 2 miserable people can love each other past the pain that they've suffered at the hands of others. The love that they share can give them far happier and greater lives than they ever imagined possible.

   As I've said before love doesn't find you at your best it finds you at your mess. Remember when you and I first started talking? I was a mess because my heart was broken. You did the same thing he did.. you just drug it out longer. Now I'm not saying just because you meet someone in your mess that, that's the person, but damn at least give it a try when there's a connection like we had.

   You'll never stop loving her or anyone that you truly loved, but that doesn't mean you need to be with them. I have guys that I will forever love, but in no way will I just stay with them because I love them. No way will I spend the rest of my life hoping that they'll figure out that they've chosen the wrong path and that I could have loved them better. Love isn't putting yourself through hell every day or every other week or every month for the rest of your life.. someone that loves you wouldn't do that. Someone that loves you... if they couldn't be faithful, honest,.. they'd let you go because someone that truly loves you wouldn't want to cause you that kind of pain. They'd rather hurt you one time than hurt you all the time for the rest of your life....  

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Blocked *Adults Only* (No, there's no pics or graphic details ya perv)

   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....