Saturday, July 15, 2017

It'd Be Too Easy

   Believe me when I say I could take you down even with the promise in place. Technicalities are a bitch and so am I.   Matter a fact I had it all planned out. It had a few steps to it like all great plans.
   I would have loved every second and had I been feeling better it would have already been carried out. Instead I chose sleep.
   However given some time I realized teaching you a lesson would make me no better than you.
   Now don't go pushing your luck it will still work later if you choose to piss me off. When I tell you I'm on the edge and hanging by a thread... don't test me. My character may be the pushover but when I've had enough and trust me I have.... 😊😚
   Now don't get me wrong I fully believe you deserve what you had coming to you, but rather than me becoming karma, I'll just let karma do her thing. After all she's a bitch too. You do deserve whatever you have coming to you.
   If you think I believe the things you say you're wrong. Your actions have always proven you lie sad part is I'm not even sure you know you're doing it or maybe that's what you want people to believe. Either way though you are lying and it is wrong.
Someone needs to put some Veritaserum in your drink. If anyone doesn't know what that is we can't be friends.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....