Sunday, July 30, 2017


  Today a prank / test was pulled off, unfortunately from a distance I was unable to do anything but sit back and hear about it. I must say for the most part I enjoyed the outcome. The tears he shed, the feeling of loss he experienced, and the anger he felt once he was told the truth.
I admit when I first heard he was crying it upset me, but then I remembered all the tears I shed over him and all the tears she must have cried over him. I remembered the way she and I felt that feeling of loss and the feeling of anger when we found out the truth. Somehow I just could no longer feel sorry for him.
Do I think he learned his lesson? No, of course not. He's still been lying so I'm sure he hasn't learned his lesson on cheating. He may be trying so hard now, but people typically don't change especially not after years of doing the same thing.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, my love (more like ex-love). You should know better than to fuck with a woman who warned you not to hurt her, but you just couldn't help yourself now could you? It was too much fun to hug me and touch my ass at work, then rubbing my thigh on break, it was too nice having someone scratch/rub your back while you bitched about your "ex", it was too much fun sneaking over to my place and having that first kiss, then sneaking to my place to hangout and getting what you actually wanted, sex, and it was too nice cuddling after and talking. Was it empowering, did it boost your ego to have your girlfriend and a woman on the side?
If you think what we did is mean maybe you should first remember what you did to us. Just remember some women would do much much more... don't play with fire.
Also you failed a test. You having grown up without a father would have made the choice to allow a child of yours to grow up without their father. Why because you chose yourself over your kid. Sure I knew it didn't exist and she knew this baby didn't exist, but you, you had no clue. You had the option given to move back to help raise it and still have them there with you and you still wouldn't have moved back. How dare you ever call yourself a man. A man would put his kids first, ALL of his kids.

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   Let me start by saying I love my in-laws, the whole lot, so when I say what I'm about to say don't think of it as a lack of love....